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Partnership Modes

There are two partnership modes for HEYTEA Franchise Partners: regional cooperation and single-store cooperation. 
After passing the interview, applicants can apply to become a regional agent partner, local agent partner, or multi-store partner based on their qualifications and the target market for opening a store.

Franchise Partnership Regions / Countries

HEYTEA Franchise Partnership welcomes applications in the following regions / countries: Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR,the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.

Store Locations

Mall, street shop, community, transportation hub, tourist attractions, etc.

Store Types

Type 1: Approximately 80㎡

Type 2: Approximately 50㎡


Partnership Application

Submit an application through the fast application portal or WeChat application portal, and complete the application form truthfully and completely as required.

Application Review

Preliminary screening based on the information submitted by the applicant.

Interview Invitation

Invite qualified applicants for online/offline interviews.

Business Assessment

Complete a one-month assessment of employee management, business district analysis, store location, and other operational aspects.

Site Selection Review

Complete store site selection within the intended area based on company planning, and pass the company's research and review.


Obtain the qualification as a Heytea franchise partner after completing the business assessment and successfully selecting the site.

Contract Signing

Pay the relevant fees and officially become a Heytea business partner.

Store Renovation

Complete store renovation according to the company's design blueprints while passing the necessary supervision and audit

Employee Training

All store employees need to undergo company training and certification before they can start working.

Official Opening

Strictly adhere to the company's operational standards


Brand Love

Have great passion and strong recognition for the Heytea brand, and be willing to devote oneself fully to the development of the brand.

Character Integrity

No criminal or bankruptcy records, good personal credit history, and no negative records for affiliated companies or immediate family members in previous professional or business experiences.

Dedicated and Committed

Possess a customer-first service mindset, strong execution capability, and maintain the initial aspiration even after becoming a partner, actively participating in store operations.

Financial Reliability

Able to provide proof of at least RMB 1 million in legitimate cash or equivalent liquid assets (and provide reasonable asset flow proof that the funds are accumulated through personal efforts rather than from others' investments). Must independently invest in the store and not accept partnerships with others.

Market Familiarity

Have had market-related work or business experience in the intended partnership area over the past three years, familiar with the local conditions, and possess quality commercial resources.

Business Experience

Priority given to those with more than three years of successful business project experience


Q1. After submitting the application materials, how long does it take to receive a response?

A:We will review and contact applicants in the order in which their materials were submitted. Please be patient and wait for our response.

Q2. How do I pay the franchise partnership fees?

A:After passing the interview, you can pay the intended fee for business assessment. Once the assessment is completed and the location is finalised, the intention fee can be converted into regional agency fees / single-store franchise fees.

Q3. Is it necessary for the applicant to personally manage the store? 

A:For partners, it is required to participate in store operations. For regional agency partners with mature teams, we require a qualified management team for specialized operations.

Q4. Who is responsible for selecting store locations?

A:Partners are responsible for selecting store locations, and the headquarters will conduct its own audit.

Q5. Is store decoration handled by the headquarters?

A:The headquarters will provide complete construction blueprints for the store, and partners are responsible for finding construction teams for the renovation.

Q6. How many employees are needed to open a store?

A:At least one store manager and six store staff members.

Q7. Will the headquarters be responsible for recruiting store employees?

A:Store employee recruitment is handled by the partners themselves.

Q8. How does the headquarters provide training?

A:The headquarters provides training through training centers and direct store training. Training schedules are arranged based on the current curriculum.

Q9. Can partners independently plan marketing activities for individual stores?

A:All stores must implement MYSAC marketing activities. If there is a need for individual store marketing activities, approval must be obtained from the headquarters.

Q10. During the brand authorization period, is it possible to relocate the store?

A:If uncontrollable factors are present, such as changes in the business district make it impossible to continue using the property, you can apply to the headquarters for relocation.

Q11. How to renew the brand licensing after the license expires?

A:Submit a renewal application to the headquarters 3 months in advance. The headquarters will assess whether to renew based on the store's operational performance during the previous authorised period.

Q12:Submit a renewal application to the headquarters 3 months in advance. The headquarters will assess whether to renew based on the store's operational performance during the previous authorised period.

A:No, we hope that partners can fully dedicate themselves to the MYSAC franchise

Q13. Can the qualification of being an MYSAC franchise partnership be transferred to another person?

A:No, we require that the interviewee, signatory, and operator remain the same and cannot be changed.